March Madness: Bucket Lists, Break Time, & My Current Obsessions

Hey everyone, and welcome back to the blog! Spring has sprung (at least in some parts of the world!), and with this new season comes a renewed sense of energy and possibility. This past month, we’ve been diving into a variety of topics to help you embrace the season and create a more mindful and fulfilling routine. Whether you’re looking to conquer your screen time addiction, unleash your creativity with a spring bucket list, or explore the power of self-reflection through journaling, I’ve got you covered. So, grab a cup of tea, settle in, and let’s explore all things spring and self-care!

Spring bucket list Where you will learn what I am hoping to achieve this spring, fun closet clean outs to more girl time!

Cutting down on screen time Honestly, I spend so much time on my phone for my social media content, learning how to cut down on screen time has helped me, and I hope this helps you too.

Journaling has become such a big part of my life. It helps me destress, and helps me to think things through. This post will help you with how to start journaling, so it can help you too.

Weekly Report where you will learn what I am reading, eating, playing, obsessing, recommending and treating myself too!

That wraps up our monthly roundups! I hope you found something inspiring, informative, or simply entertaining. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments below – what are you most looking forward to this spring? What are some things you’ve been reading, watching, or enjoying lately? As always, stay tuned for more content coming your way soon. Until next time, happy spring!

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