Spring Bucket List

Spring has sprung! The days are getting longer, the birds are chirping, and there’s a feeling of renewal in the air. It’s the perfect time to shake off the winter blues and create a spring bucket list filled with fun activities and fresh experiences. Whether you’re craving sunshine and fresh air, quality time with loved ones, or a chance to explore new places, this post has something for everyone. From closet cleanouts to girls’ nights and family adventures, we’ll give you some inspiring ideas to make this spring unforgettable.

Spend at Least Ten Minutes in the Sun Everyday – This year I actually noticed how spending time in the sun actually impacts my mood. This spring I plan to walk every morning if the weather is nice. Bonus points if I can get this done first thing in the morning. It doesn’t matter if its for 10, or 20 minutes, but just getting outside and moving makes such a difference.

Spring Clean my Closet – I’ve been on a cleaning streak since the start of this year, and I’m still going strong! This spring I want to tackle my closets. That means purging clothes that I no longer wear and then organizing the remaining clothes.

Host a fun girls night – if you’re one of my close friends reading this, surprise! But I want to host a fun girls night. Previously I did a fun board theme night for my 30th birthday and that was just a hit! I want to plan another one for girls night, maybe fun themed cocktails or something. Still brainstorming ideas but I think it would be fun! Bonus points if I’m able to host it outside in the warmer weather.

Another girls day moment, but have a girls night with my best-frien and mom – it has been a stressful few months for all of us, and doing a fun girls night, whether at home, a winery, or a restaurant is needed for the three of us.

Get June a planter – June is my newest plant baby and she needs a new home! I’ve been looking for a nice planter for her that matches our wooden one (that we have for Charlie) I’m thinking a grey, or blue or even another wooden one. I also think I want to get a little stand so se can sit a little higher. (yes, I do talk to my plants, and also name them).

Go somewhere new – even if locally! Winter is finally done and I am ready to get my shoes on and explore, even if it’s a new spot in town. When the weather is out, I love to visit new spots.

What is on your Spring Bucket list?

So grab your sunglasses, dust off your walking shoes, and get ready to embrace the vibrant energy of spring! With this bucket list as your guide, you’ll be soaking up the sunshine, making memories with loved ones, and creating a spring season that’s full of joy and adventure. Happy exploring!

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