Books That Will Make You Fall in Love With Reading

Do you ever look at towering bookshelf or to be read list and feel a pang of guilt? Maybe you used to be an avid reader, but now picking up a book feels like a chore. Or perhaps you’ve never quite gotten into reading, and the vast world of literature feels intimidating.

Fear not, fellow bibliophile (or aspiring one)! This post is your magic key to unlocking a world of wonder and enjoyment. I’m here to share a treasure trove of captivating books that cater to a variety of interests, all guaranteed to reignite your passion for reading or spark a love affair with the written word for the very first time.

Whether you crave heart-pounding fantasy adventures, heartwarming coming-of-age stories, or mind-bending mysteries, there’s a book out there waiting to be devoured. So, settle in, grab a cozy blanket (and maybe a warm beverage!), and prepare to be swept away by the magic of storytelling.

Forth Wing + Iron Flame
Genre: Fantasy, Romance
Exciting fantasy reads that are action + romance packed.

It ends with Us + It starts With Us
Genre: Romance
Love story based around a girl who has to decide between a new or an old lover. Disclaimer: contains some domestic violence

Genre: Thriller, Romance
A thrilling read where a young writer sets out to finish a famous authors book series after her death. Only to reveal hidden secrets about the authors past.

One True Loves
Genre: Romance
Another novel based around choosing between an old or new lover when the old resurfaces after presumably being dead. Extremely heartfelt and emotional.

Any book by Frieda Mcfadden
Start off with her Housemaid series (2 books)
Genre: Thriller
All of her books are phycological thrillers that will get your attention from the beginning. There are often plot twists where you do not see the ending coming. They are so well written and really keep you intrigued through each chapter.

I hope this list has enticed you to delve into the captivating world of books. Remember, reading should be a source of enjoyment, so don’t be afraid to experiment and find genres that resonate with you. Happy reading!

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